Sunday, August 24, 2008

30 Dates in 30 Days - Day 6, no date

No entertaining date stories today I'm afraid. I've plum run out of dates! Tomorrow I will attempt to catch up by making a lunch-time date or two during the next week. Being the second mixer, I do think that the date-getting process is will be much easier. I just have to strike before the other girls do. That last sentence reminded me of a snake in the grass :)

I did some online research on the intimidating woman factor. I think the most amusing passage came from this Christian site.

“But in my limited experience, when men describe women as intimidating, they are most often referring to a woman whose spirit is hard and unyielding. They are intimidated by her contentious attitude, by her ‘chew ‘em up and spit ‘em out’ attitude. Such a woman makes them wary.” - Carolyn McCulley

For the record, I never chew anything and the spit it out - I always swallow. haha. But seriously, if a guy is intimidated by me, he'll never get past my pets. My cat Ralph always sits on the couch in between me and any boy that might make it past my front door. He's about 26 lbs and I call him the Puma. And my sweet dog Marble turns into a vicious attack dog if any man approaches the hall toward my bedroom area, even to use the bathroom. So, good luck!

Oh yes, for a visual description on my first date, David, please refer to the Blue Collar comedian Larry the Cable guy. His accent almost perfectly imitates David's. They don't look that different either. But, David was not funny. Just imagine this guy saying, "these wings aren't hot at all." This YouTube video is him:

Well, I'll let you know tomorrow after the mixer my dating prospects for next week. Hopefully after my first day at my new job I will still feel up to it.

I'm trying to decide if it crosses the line to bring my new Pulse pen on my dates, but I think it probably does, even for me. So for now you will just have to relive my dates from my memory and narrative version.

As most of you know, I've been pushing pretty hard to obtain some dates from friends of friends. During this exercise, it doesn't really matter if they are not my type. Right now, during this 30 dates, I just require them to be single, male, and like women. The rest i can navigate on my own :)

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