Thursday, August 21, 2008

30 Dates in 30 Days - Day 2, Date 2

About an hour ago I arrived back from my second date. This date was nice. There were even interesting moments - including a test of character.

George called me around noon and confirmed we were still on for the night. I told him I hadn't looked up the movies yet but I would do that and text him later. He was very polite on the phone and said, "I know you're at work and I am too so I won't keep you long." That was nice.

So I looked up the movie at Cinebarre and it was playing at 7:30. Now we had free tickets to Pineapple Express at Regal Cinemas, courtesy of 95sx. When I looked up the theatre I was sure that it was a Regal, but it turns out that it wasn't. But let me back up a bit.

Before the movie, that we agreed to meet at 7:15 for, I had been working and writing a Sole Source justification. I have a habit of losing time when I'm working so at some point I decided I needed to go, without really checking the time. So, it turned out that I left the house at 6:30 which was very early. I arrived at Cinebarre and gave George a call so that if he was ready he could come on over. He arrived and we went to the window where we were informed that it wasn't a Regal. So, we decided to go to Palmetto Grande since we had plenty of time to get there for the next Pineapple Express show. We decided to take his car to Palmetto. He drove nice and didn't speed, which would have bothered me. So, that was good. He said nice things like he was really glad I asked him to go out for this date, and that he liked my glasses. He opened the car door for me and his car was pretty clean for a single guys car.

We got to the movie and got drinks. I decided not to eat anything because I had a tummy ache earlier. We talked a bit before the movie started and he was fairly easy to talk to. The movie itself was okay. It was a little funny, but they mixed in a lot of action and fighting and shooting, and I wished it was either a straight comedy or an action flick. The two mixed together don't usually impress me. But, it was okay.

After the movie he asked if I wanted to get a drink and I said yes and we just walked across the street to the Tapas place. We both got a beer and some food. We talked a little bit about all sorts of things. Small talk, but not forced like Date 1's conversations. Overall it was pleasant.

Then, when the bill came a very unfortunate thing happened. His debit card got declined and he didn't have an alternative form of payment. So, that was pretty embarrassing for him. He did his best to salvage the situation and went outside apparently to call the bank, but we all know the banks aren't open that late. So, I just paid the bill. Now, I felt bad for him because nobody wants that to happen, certainly not on a date. But, I was really interested in how he would handle that. Would he become cranky? Would he say nothing and try to pretend it didn't happen?

So, we walked back to the car and that gave him a minute to figure things out. He opened the car door for me and then got in. So, he turned to me and said he was really sorry and that he was really embarrassed right then. I told him it was fine that it happens to everyone, and it's always really embarrassing even when you're alone. So he said that he'd understand if I didn't want to go out again but if he could just meet me somewhere and pay me back he'd feel better. I told him he'd just better take me out again and we'll be even. He drove me back to my car and his driving didn't change so overall even though that was a trying situation I liked the way he handled it.

We're going to go out again on Friday. I don't think that I see any kind of romance potential with him, but I think he's honest and kind, and easy to get along with.

Overall this was a good experience, and does show that you can go on a date with someone that you normally wouldn't consider, and be glad that you met someone new at the end.

Now, I don't have a date for tomorrow... I guess I'll have to find one so I don't get behind.

Now the funny part. Today they put up the girls that agreed to share this experience on the 95sx website. They listed me last, perhaps because I'm the oldest and perhaps because they saved the best for last ;)

There is definitely a sad aspect to all of this. I lost something recently that meant the world to me. This 30 dates in 30 days seemed like a daring and fun experience. I am not lonely, but I still feel a heavy sorrow. Trying to let go of that will be a long journey, and just starting on it tears at my heart.

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