Friday, August 22, 2008

30 Dates in 30 Days - Day 3, Date 3 (sort of)

Well tonight I didn't have a date scheduled. I was looking forward to just going home actually, but a little after 1 Brooke from 95sx emailed and said she had a Riverdogs ticket for me and my date, and if I didn't have one she was able to produce a few friends of her date for the night, Moses. I had met Moses on Monday night at the mixer. So, now I had a date, sort of.

It was pouring down rain when I left for the ballgame. Rain bands and wind from Fay were rolling into Charleston and will continue to do so for the next few days. So, by the time I got from the parking lot to the the stadium despite my rain jacket and umbrella, I was soaked, namely my feet and pants. I had worn my Rainbow flips because I knew my feet were going to get wet and I can't stand wet socks.

So we hung out at the field for a little while in the rain drinking our Dolla Beers. One of the other girls was there, Mendi. So, Moses' friends were okay. One of them I had also met Monday night, and the other one was new. To be honest I can't remember either of their names. The friend I'd met the other night (is it John?) was very nice and had also taken out another girl in the program, Corin, on Tuesday night. The other new friend was pretty useless. He spent most of the night texting other people.

So, we left and went to get sushi. I had a good time and do like sushi. I can't be a very daring sushi eater because of transplant issued but had a little roll and some etimame and Saki! :)

Then Brooke went home since she has to get up so early and the rest of us went to a bar. Mendi had driven me from the ball park to downtown, so I when I wanted to head out I called a friend to come and take me to my car.

So, this really didn't turn out to be a real date, but it still counts because I went out to a place in anticipation of having a date and talked to boys. :)

Tomorrow I have another date with Date 2, George.

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