Saturday, August 23, 2008

30 Dates in 30 Days - Day 5, Date 4

I've just gotten back from my second date with George. This time I wasn't very impressed with him. It's possible that on Wednesday night I was happy that he wasn't as bad as David. Today, not so good. He did call right at 11:55 or so. He asked what I wanted to do and I said I'd like to go to Poe's and have a burger. He had told me on Wednesday that he'd never had food there, so since I always love their burgers I thought I'd introduce him to one. He came to get me around 1:15. I got home around 2:45, so the date lasted 90 minutes. I think that is my "not good date" time.

He picked me up and we drove the short drive to Sullivan's Island. We arrived at Poe's and it was packed. They had the "seat yourself" sign up even though that's nearly impossible to negotiate when it's so crowded. This is when I became annoyed with George. He's completely unassertive. I had to take over the seat finding process.

After we were seated we were talking and stuff but I just was pretty bored. I also was looking over at him and decided for certain I'm not attracted to him. He never really says anything funny. He wanted to hang out some more after lunch but I just wanted to go home. When we were leaving we ran into Ray from CSC. I think I was so happy to see Ray I gave him a huge hug. Ray must have thought I'd lost my mind.

Anyway he took me home. I thanked him for lunch and he asked if I wanted to go out again. I don't really think so this time but said maybe in a couple weeks when things cool off with the new job plus having more dates. Oh yeah, and he didn't pay me back like he insisted he would for Wednesday night. That's fine, it would have been too awkward anyway.

My friend and trainer Alicia says that I can be intimidating to men. I'm not really sure what that is about, but maybe I should explore it further.

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